Gurez Valley


Gurez, Kashmir

The charming Gurez Valley is a hidden jewel in the captivating area of Kashmir, nestled amidst the majestic Himalayan range. Gurez Valley beckons adventurers and nature enthusiasts with its untouched beauty and awe-inspiring landscapes.

While describing the Gurais Valley (Gurez), Walter R. Lawrence writes in his book The Valley of Kashmir,

"Perhaps Pahalgam, the village of the shepherds that stands at the head of the Liddar valley with its healthy forest of pines, and Gurais, which lies at a distance of thirty-five miles from Bandipora, the port of the Wular Lake, will before long rival in popularity the other margs. Gurais is a lovely valley five miles in length lying at an elevation of about 8000 feet above the sea. The Kishnganga river flows through it, and on either side tower mountain scarps of indescribable grandeur. Perhaps one of the most beautiful scenes in the whole of Kashmir is the grove of huge poplars through which the traveller enters the Gurais valley. The climate is dry and mild, excellent English vegetables can be grown, and the wild raspberries and currants are delicious."

Gurez's most formidable peak "Habba Khatoon", is a graceful and majestic 13,000 ft pyramid-shaped peak that rises over the town, and is named for the 16th-century young poetess known as the Nightingale of Kashmir, who is said to have lived near the mountain’s base, and around which many legends abound.

"The valley is extremely picturesque, as the river comes dashing along through a rich meadow, partly covered with lindens, walnut and willow trees, while the mountains on either side present nothing but a succession of most abrupt precipices, and Alpine lodges, covered with fir trees." - Sir Charles Ellison Bates, 1872 AD.

From majestic mountains to crystal-clear rivers, this picturesque paradise offers a wide range of activities for every traveller.

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